Getting started

Your First Visit

The goal of Howell Orthodontics is to give you the beautiful, healthy smile you’ve always wanted. Whether you are a concerned parent looking into orthodontic care for your children or a prospective patient who is ready to improve how you feel about your smile, we understand that this is a big decision. While we use the latest technology in orthodontic care, we realize that being comfortable and confident with our practice is a bigger concern for the typical patient. That’s why we’ve designed our process to help you feel comfortable with Dr. Mika and his staff.

financial information

At Howell Orthodontics, we will work with you to create an affordable treatment plan for your treatment.  Our treatment coordinator will discuss fees and payment options based on the complexity of your treatment and appliances used.  It is our goal to create the best payment plan for you. We work hard to make treatment affordable.

Patient forms

Below you will find links to our patient forms. Please take a few minutes to download the appropriate form and complete the patient information for your first appointment. Bringing these forms with you will save some time at your appointment.


The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children visit an orthodontist at the age of 7. Even though this may seem early to some, the rationale is that children start to have their permanent teeth erupt around this age and also begin losing baby teeth. By visiting our office around age 7, we can assess important needs like jaw growth patterns, spacing, crowding, and any other abnormalities that your child may exhibit.

During the first visit to our office, we will perform an initial exam. Many children will not require any treatment at this time, so we will schedule periodic visits to monitor their progress until their permanent teeth do erupt. However, some children do require treatment at this time to intercept potentially problematic issues as the child ages. By intercepting these issues earlier instead of later, we can limit and sometimes avoid all together, more significant issues later on. Some examples are constricted arches, teeth in crossbites, or impacted teeth.

It is very easy to be fooled by the appearance of straight teeth! Straight teeth can sometimes camouflage underlying issues that can only be seen in the clinical exam or on x-rays taken by your orthodontic specialist. In addition to the importance of the exam, timing of that visit is also important to successful orthodontic treatment. It is much better to catch and monitor a potential problem early, as opposed to seeing your child too late and having to correct it.


Our goal is to give you the smile that you have always wanted. At Howell Orthodontics, the first visit is where we begin our process of giving you that desired smile. During our initial meeting, we do what matters most – we listen to you. We want to hear from you about your treatment goals, in addition to any thoughts or concerns you have about your orthodontic treatment. After our discussion and examination, we will have an open dialogue about the treatment process and our exceptional care. The relationship we establish at this initial visit sets us up for success as we work with you as a team to get your smile shining! Open communication, attention to detail, and a constant search for smile perfection are the  foundation of Howell Orthodontics!

A smile tells the world who you are. It can reflect an individual’s personality like few other things. We want you to be proud of your smile and confident when flashing that smile. Whether you are 7 or 70, our goal and philosophy is to achieve your most beautiful smile in a way that fits your style. We want to make sure that your experience is customized to you and suits your needs. Expect to relax, enjoy a refreshing beverage, and even use an iPad if you would like. At Howell Orthodontics, we are entirely focused on giving our patients a truly unique experience – and a truly amazing smile!